Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

Harry lived with his fat, rude uncle, bony, nosy, bossy aunt, and fat, rude, violent cousin. He is ridiculed at school, beat up by his cousin, and his gang, and has to live in a broom cupboard, under the stairs. And strange, unexplicable things happen to him, like, while running away from his cousin, and his gang, he takes a running leap, aiming for behind the garbage can, he suddenly finds himself on the roof. And when his aunt, tired of having Harry go to the haircutter's looking as if he'd never had a hair cut in his life, took the kitchen scissors, and cut of so much of his hair that he was nearly bald. The next day, Harry's hair was back! And then there was the scar. His aunt & uncle always said he had got it in the car crash that had killed his parent, but it was shaped, most curiously, like a lightning bolt. One day a letter arrives for Harry in the mail. His uncle takes it and burns it before Harry can read it, but the letters just keep coming, until his uncle, fed up with all the letters, takes the family to a small island in the middle of a storm. There, they get a visitor, a large visitor, a giant named Hagrid. Hagrid tells Harry that he is a wizard, and a evil, dark wizard, named Voldemort  had killed his parent, and tried to kill him too, but somehow, Harry had survived, and not only survived, he had broken something inside that dark wizard, and was now famous in the wizarding world. He goes with Hagrid to buy schoolbooks, and a wand, because the letters had been telling him that he had been invited to Hogwarts, a school of witchcraft, and wizardry. At Hogwarts he makes friends with an extremely smart girl, named Hermione, and a boy named Ron...

Harry Potter Week!!!

Salutations, my exquisite readers. I was thinking, that in anticipation of the new film, 3 DAYS!!!!!, We could do a Harry Potter week, to honor the Boy who lived, the Chosen One and the genius who created him, J.K Rowling. So, I will do a little review/resume of each book, and you, yes you have to do some work, will comment on your favorite part of the book, or movie, your least favorite past of the book or movie, or anything else that you may want to say. I will also have a couple fun facys on J.K Rowling, the creation of the books, and movies, and a quiz on what your favorite book was.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

My first post...

Well here it goes...

"Once upon a time" No... How about "This was not supposed to happen" No, that's not right either... hmmm... Maybe... No... GASP!!!! I have it! No, sorry folks, not an idea, it! IT!!! You know..IT?  Well, I'll give you some hints. It is an author's worst nightmare, the bane of their existence, most authors live in fear of this terrible affliction. Do you have it now? Hmm, judging by the blank expressions on your faces (Yes I can see you...) you don't. I must confess, I'm very disappointed in you. All right I'll tell you... NO! I can't, the horror, the horror... Oh, fine. But don't say I didn't warn you.. It's, it's... WRITER'S BLOCK!!!!!!!!!! Many writers suffer from this horrible gruesome affliction, but there are cures, and that's what we'll talk about today.

  • First take deep breaths, and put your head between your knees (Experiencing this kind of thing is quite tramatic for most budding writers). Try to stay calm. Panicking will get you nowhere except, maybe the emergency room, with minor mental breakdown issues, and Post Traumatic Stress issues.
  • Now, look around you. Do you see anything that might give you some inspiration?
  • Next, think. Have you read any good books lately? If so, what kind of format was it in? Example: diary, medival times, fairy tale, real life, sci fi, etc. If you really enjoyed reading in that style, maybe you'll enjoy writing in that style.
  • You always have to remember that starting is the absolute hardest thing about writing a book. But hope fully, once you get the pencil, or pen to the paper, or, fingers to the keys, or whaterver else you're using, it should get easier.
  • Get counselling, like I said,writer's bock is a traumatic experience, and some never recover.
Time to go try some of these theories on myself. I'll be back, with an idea for a story, I promise!