Wednesday, November 10, 2010

My first post...

Well here it goes...

"Once upon a time" No... How about "This was not supposed to happen" No, that's not right either... hmmm... Maybe... No... GASP!!!! I have it! No, sorry folks, not an idea, it! IT!!! You know..IT?  Well, I'll give you some hints. It is an author's worst nightmare, the bane of their existence, most authors live in fear of this terrible affliction. Do you have it now? Hmm, judging by the blank expressions on your faces (Yes I can see you...) you don't. I must confess, I'm very disappointed in you. All right I'll tell you... NO! I can't, the horror, the horror... Oh, fine. But don't say I didn't warn you.. It's, it's... WRITER'S BLOCK!!!!!!!!!! Many writers suffer from this horrible gruesome affliction, but there are cures, and that's what we'll talk about today.

  • First take deep breaths, and put your head between your knees (Experiencing this kind of thing is quite tramatic for most budding writers). Try to stay calm. Panicking will get you nowhere except, maybe the emergency room, with minor mental breakdown issues, and Post Traumatic Stress issues.
  • Now, look around you. Do you see anything that might give you some inspiration?
  • Next, think. Have you read any good books lately? If so, what kind of format was it in? Example: diary, medival times, fairy tale, real life, sci fi, etc. If you really enjoyed reading in that style, maybe you'll enjoy writing in that style.
  • You always have to remember that starting is the absolute hardest thing about writing a book. But hope fully, once you get the pencil, or pen to the paper, or, fingers to the keys, or whaterver else you're using, it should get easier.
  • Get counselling, like I said,writer's bock is a traumatic experience, and some never recover.
Time to go try some of these theories on myself. I'll be back, with an idea for a story, I promise!  


  1. Really well writen Sarah! You would make a really good author! Your style of writing makes me laugh! I think I may try to write my own story now! Just kidding I can't write, I always seem to get writers block at some point in the story! Your right it is a very traumatic experience, I think the next time I write a story I will follow these steps!

    - Kristen

  2. Great humour and great advice for a class full of budding writers! It's probably just a matter of getting yourself in the right headspace where you are not afraid of being judged or making mistakes. It is ashamed that we kill our own creativity.

    We are heading out for a Thai dinner for my dad's birthday but I'll check back in later for your story as I am CERTAIN you will surmount your writer's block.


  3. ...and Kristen, you CAN write and I think you are great! I would buy your novels.

  4. Amazingly well written Sarah!!!
    I felt as though you were talking with me. (which means ... that I can see you too:D) you can really portray yourself through your writing. The humour was also exquisite!!

    Great job!!


    P.S. I cannot wait to hear your story!!:)

    P.P.S. I would buy your novels as well Kristen.
