Thursday, December 2, 2010

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, continued...

Sorry about the sudden ending, I got cut off...
Anyway, here's the rest of the story...

Harry, and Ron start learning magic at Hogwarts. Originally, they acctually hated Hermione. She was a bit off an "insufferable know-it-all"- Severus Snape- and tended to boss them around. (Wingaaaaardium Leviooosaaaaaa!) and one night she follows them to a supposed "wizard duel" with Draco Malfoy (an obnoxious Slytherin*, who has it out for Harry) Turns out they were set up, and to escape Filch (a rather pathetic squib* caretaker who resentes all the student for their ability to use magic) they run into an empty room that just happens to have a three-headed dog guarding a trapdoor that supposedly has some kind of precious, priceless, kind of treasure that is hidden  deep in Hogwarts, protected by the greatest wizard of all time, you know,just your average school classroom. Anyway this encounter sparks curiosity in Harry, and Ron, but Hermione is annoying as ever. On Halloween, a troll gets let loose in the dungeons, and Hermione is in a bathroom down there. Harry and Ron go down and save her, and after that they become friends. Harry, Ron, and Hermione try their best to find out all about whatever's down in that trapdoor. The answer comes in the form of that giant Hagrid, remember him? Well he lets slip that whatever's down there is the between Albus Dumbledore, and Nicolas Flamel. So Harry, Ron, and Hermione become obsessed with finding out who Nicolas Flamel is. They find out that he is the inventor of the Philosopher's stone, a stone that can turn any metal to gold. It can also produce the Elixir of Life, a type of potion that can enable you to live forever, as long as you keep drinking it. Harry becomes very worried that Professor Snape, a rather evil potions master who, like Draco, has it out for Harry, is going to steal it. He heard Professor Snape talking to Professor Quirrel, the defense against the dark arts teacher, who has a stutter, and seems to be afraid if everything. Snape was telling Quirrell that he was waiting for his bit of "hocus pocus", and that he needed to decide "where his loyalties lie".  He convinces Hermione, who originally thought that all teachers were saints, and could do no wrong during a Quidditch match. Quidditch is a sport played on flying broomsticks. During that match. Harry's broom started acting up, trying to buck Harry off. Hermione could see Snape muttering something, an incantation? Hermione sets Snape's robes on fire, and his concentration was lost. harry's broom went back to normal, and they won the game. Hermione was then convinced that Snape was up to no good.  One day, while they were serving detention in the Forbidden Forest, for being caught out of bed after hours, Harry sees a monstrous creature drinking the blood of a unicorn. He is saved by a centaur, and realizes that He Who Must Not Be Named, Voldemort was there at Hogwarts! They think that it is because Snape is trying to steal the Philosopher's Stone for him, so that Voldemort can drink the Elixir of Life and come back fully. Harry, Ron, and Hermione are horrified to realize that Dumbledore had been called away on urgent business, and would not be back for a while. dumbledore was the only wizard thet Voldemort had ever been afraid of, they were sure he could help. So they decide to go themselves. They sneak down to the third floor corridor, and get past Fluffy, the three-headed dog, an evil plan that ttried to strangle them, a bunch of flying keys,and a life size chess board where Ron was taken out by the white queen, and a puzzle where they had to find the right potion that would allow them to walk through the fire that was blocking the door. Unfortunately, there was only enough potion for one person so Harry had to go on alone. In the next chamber, Harry finds, no Snape, or Voldemort, but Quirrell! Harry find out that is was Quirrell who was cursing Harry's broomstick, and lost concentration when Hermione, in her haste to get to Snape, knocked him over. It was also he who let the troll in in Halloween. Also he has not been acting alone, he unravels the turban that he always wraps around his head, and it turns out that Voldemaort is sticking out the back of his head! Harry os forced to look in the mirror that was in the room, and sees himself put the philosopher's stone in his pocket. Suddenly he feels the philosopher's stone drop into his pocket! Unfortunately, Quirrell/Voldemort sees it too, and grabs Harry though when he touches Harry he crumbles to dust, and Harry passes out. Harry wakes up a while later in the hospital wing, with Dumbledore standing over him. Dumbledore explaines that the reason Voldemort could not touch  Harry is because his mother had sacrificed herself to save him, so Voldemort could not touch Harry. The end of the year approached, and at the feast, Dumbledore awardedpoints to Harry, Ron, and Hermione, and belive it or not, Neville Longbottom,for standing up to Harry, Ron, and Hermione when they were sneaking out. That pushed Griffindor* over the edge, and they won the house cup!! 


*A squib is someone who was born into a magic family, but dosn't have any magic of their own. They are extremely rare.

*Griffindor, and Slytherin are two of the houses. There are four Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Griffindor, and Slytherin. The new students are sorted at the beginning of the year based on personality traits. Hufflepuffs are faire, Griffindors are brave, Ravenclaws are smart, and Slytherins are, well sneaky I mean pure-blood.

I have to say, that my favorite part is when Harry, Ron, and Hermione become friends, after they fight the troll, or when they are trying to learn how  to make things fly. Wingaaardiun Levioosaaaaa!


  1. Great Job!!!

    That is a great description of Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone!
    I have to say that my favourite part is when Hagrid comes To save Harry from his awful family, and bring him "home". Though I also like the part when Neville stands up to Harry, Ron, and Hermione, in kind of shows that he's not some brainless wizard can't perform magic, instead he seems like a poor innocent young boy, strong hearted and not wanting to get his House team in trouble, completely unaware of the fact that He Wo Must Not Be Named is back and is trying to steal the philosopher's stone, for he is happy where he is, and he does not want anyone to ruin it, not He Who Must Not Be Named, or Harry, Hermione, and Ron.

    Great Post!


    P.S. How did you get the line through the word SNEAKY?

    P.P.S. I tried to get the Deathly Hallows Sign onto the post, but it didn't work, I'm just letting you know that I tried. :)

  2. /o\. (that is how I can get the deathly hallows sign firm typing...) anyway, great job!!!!
