Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince

In this book, the magical world is pretty much in chaos. Voldemort is at large and nobody really knows what to do about it. However back at Hogwarts, thing are going along almost normally. Snape finally got his job as Defense Against the Dark Arts, Ron and  Hermione are fighting as usual, only this time it's over (GASP) girlfriends!! Except, Harry finds a potions textbook/cheat sheet in which the "half blood prince" scribbled spells and potion tips. Unfortunately, some of the spells are downright bad, and Harry ends up getting rid of it. Meanwhile Dumbledore has been giving Harry lessons on how to defeat Voldemort and the time has come for him to put his skills to the test...

My favorite part in the book is when Aragog dies. In the movie it is when Harry takes the Felix Felicis potion!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix

This book is my favourte...

Harry has a problem. Nobody at the minstry of Magic belives that Voldemort is back, and they are doing every thing they can to turn poeaple against him and Dumbledore. So Harry once again finds himself a social outcast at school, and he has to deal with evil teachers, and Voldemort accidentaly possesing him. In the end good prevails, and (Spoiler Alert!) the first good guy dies for Voldemort. The plot thickens however, with a prophecy explaining Voldemort's actions, a mysterious connection between Harry, and Voldemort, and Dumbledore avoiding Harry like the plague.

My favorite parts are...

In the movie : When Neville finally gets the Expelliarmus charm, in the DA

In the book : When Harry starts the DA, and when they di the interview the the reporter from the 4th, and Luna's dad publishes it.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

In this book Hogwarts is chosen to host the triwizard tournament, a lengendary competition in which the three main magic schools in Europe, Hogwarts, Durmstrang, and Beauxbatons, compete in three challenges, to win 1000 galleons, the triwizard cup, and eternal glory, aka bragging rights! Harry, as usual, finds himself in danger when he is chosen as the 2nd representative of Hogwarts, even though each school is only allowed one, and only 7th years are allowed to compete, because of the danger of the competition. Ron and Harry fight, Hagrid obtaines illegal magical creatures for them to take care of in CMC, a nasty news reporter starts spreading rumors, and Voldemort comes back to life. Just another not-so normal year at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry.