Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince

In this book, the magical world is pretty much in chaos. Voldemort is at large and nobody really knows what to do about it. However back at Hogwarts, thing are going along almost normally. Snape finally got his job as Defense Against the Dark Arts, Ron and  Hermione are fighting as usual, only this time it's over (GASP) girlfriends!! Except, Harry finds a potions textbook/cheat sheet in which the "half blood prince" scribbled spells and potion tips. Unfortunately, some of the spells are downright bad, and Harry ends up getting rid of it. Meanwhile Dumbledore has been giving Harry lessons on how to defeat Voldemort and the time has come for him to put his skills to the test...

My favorite part in the book is when Aragog dies. In the movie it is when Harry takes the Felix Felicis potion!

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